I have recently faced the need for downsizing as I lived for a very long time in a beautiful house with my husband and children. Then, my children grew up and got homes of their own, and my husband passed away. I’m getting older myself, and I know that I’m having a harder time walking up the stairs. That’s why I chose to sell that beautiful home and to get a place that was much better suited to me.
Every time we’d bought a house, my husband did much of the talking, so it was a bit liberating and a bit frightening for me to do the talking myself. I had to come up with a list of things I wanted, and I felt so strange because I didn’t think anyone had ever asked what I wanted. It was always what “we” wanted, or what the children needed. Simply choosing what I wanted was a strange sensation.
I tried to take my time and think about what I truly needed for my health, and what I needed to save money in taxes. I knew I didn’t want to go to an assisted living facility. I knew I wanted my own home. Other than that, I didn’t mind so much, as long as it was a one-story building.
The realtor took me to a number of little houses, and I did see some I liked, but nothing stood out to me. I was sure that I was going to find something that was acceptable, but I wasn’t sure I would find something I loved. Everyone always said I was a little unrealistic, so I kept hoping.
Finally, I got a phone call from my realtor to come down and check out what she found. And I have to say that I was in love with the place before I saw it. She did a great job of describing it, and when I saw it, I knew I wanted it. It was a bit more than my budget would allow, but I just had to have it. I asked if I could speak to the owner directly, in the hopes that he or she would feel kindly toward an aging woman.
The owner was gracious enough to speak with me, and while I wouldn’t suggest that tactic to anyone, it worked a bit for me. I just had to take a bit more money out of my savings. I didn’t mind doing it of course; finding a house that I could call my own was worth the money. I was so proud of myself that I practically walked around with my chest puffed out for days!
Overall, I’m very glad I went through the process of buying a home on my own. After all, I did it. And I’m happy as well. I hope that all aging adults will think of this story as inspirational. If I can find a great home, so can you. I wish you all the very best of luck in a home that you truly enjoy.